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100 When Should A Child Begin Speech Therapy?

When Should A Child Begin Speech Therapy?

By Speech Therapy Teacher

When should a child begin Speech therapy?

The ideal age to begin speech therapy can vary depending on the individual child's needs and the nature of their speech or language difficulties. However, it is generally recommended to start as early as possible.

If a child has been identified with a speech or language delay, it is best to start speech therapy as soon as the delay is identified, which could be as early as 18 months old. Early intervention can improve the chances of successful treatment and better outcomes in the long term.

In some cases, children may not be identified with speech or language difficulties until they are in preschool or even later. In these cases, it is still important to start therapy as soon as possible to address the underlying issues and help the child develop their communication skills.

If you are concerned about your child's speech or language development, you can talk to your pediatrician or a speech-language pathologist (SLP) to get an assessment and determine the best course of action.

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