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19 How Parents Can Teach Children Vocabulary Skills

How Parents Can Teach Children Vocabulary Skills

By Speech Therapy Teacher

Teaching children vocabulary skills is an important part of their overall language development. Here are some tips to help teach children vocabulary skills:

Read to them regularly: Reading books to children regularly can help them learn new words and expand their vocabulary. Choose books with rich language and interesting themes.

Talk to them about new words: When you encounter a new word while reading or in everyday life, take the time to explain it to your child. Use it in context and help them understand its meaning.

Play word games: Word games can be a fun way to help children learn new words. Games like Scrabble, Boggle, and Hangman can help them develop spelling and vocabulary skills.

Label things around the house: Labeling things around the house can help children learn new words and understand their meaning in context.

Use pictures and visuals: Visual aids like pictures and flashcards can help children learn new words and concepts. You can also use videos and online resources to help reinforce vocabulary skills.

Practice using new words: Encourage your child to use new words in their everyday conversations. This can help them remember and understand the words better.

Encourage curiosity: Encourage your child to ask questions and explore new things. This can help them develop a love for learning and a natural curiosity about the world around them, which can lead to a stronger vocabulary.

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