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26 Down Syndrome and Language Development 

Down Syndrome and Language Development 

By Speech Therapy Teacher

Down syndrome is a genetic condition that affects an individual's cognitive abilities and physical growth. Children with Down syndrome often have delays in their language development, which can impact their ability to communicate effectively with others.

Some common characteristics of language development in individuals with Down syndrome include:

Delayed language development: Children with Down syndrome typically start talking later than their typically developing peers, and their language may be delayed in both expressive and receptive language skills.

Difficulty with grammar and syntax: Individuals with Down syndrome may struggle with grammar and syntax, making it difficult for them to construct complex sentences and understand more complex language structures.

Limited vocabulary: Children with Down syndrome may have a smaller vocabulary than their peers, which can limit their ability to communicate effectively.

Articulation difficulties: Many individuals with Down syndrome have difficulty with articulation, which can make it challenging for them to produce clear speech sounds.

Despite these challenges, individuals with Down syndrome can benefit from language intervention programs and therapies to help them develop their language skills. Speech-language pathologists and other professionals can work with individuals with Down syndrome to provide targeted interventions and support to help them improve their language abilities and achieve their communication goals.

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