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34 Do Siblings Influence Language Development?

Do Siblings Influence Language Development?

By Speech Therapy Teacher

Yes, siblings can have a significant influence on each other's language development. Research has shown that siblings tend to spend a lot of time interacting with each other, and this interaction can have a significant impact on the development of their language skills.

Siblings can serve as language models for each other, with older siblings often introducing new vocabulary and more complex sentence structures to younger siblings. Younger siblings, in turn, may learn from their older siblings and pick up language skills more quickly than they would on their own.

However, the influence of siblings on language development can also depend on other factors, such as the age difference between siblings, the frequency and quality of their interactions, and the level of support and encouragement they receive from parents and caregivers.

Overall, while siblings can have a significant impact on each other's language development, it is important to remember that every child is unique and may develop at their own pace and in their own way.

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