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36 Speech Therapy Dogs

Speech Therapy Dogs

By Speech Therapy Teacher

Speech therapy dogs are specially trained dogs that work alongside speech-language pathologists (SLPs) to help children improve their communication skills. These dogs are typically trained to be calm, gentle, and patient, making them ideal companions for children with communication difficulties.

The use of therapy dogs in speech therapy sessions can help to motivate children to participate in therapy, reduce anxiety and stress, and provide a comforting presence that can help to establish a positive therapeutic relationship between the child and the SLP.

During therapy sessions, the dog may be used as a visual aid to help the child understand and practice specific communication skills, such as making eye contact, following directions, or using correct articulation. The dog may also be used to help the child practice social communication skills, such as taking turns or initiating conversation.

It is important to note that speech therapy dogs are not appropriate for all children, and their use should be determined on a case-by-case basis by a qualified SLP. Additionally, therapy dogs must undergo specialized training and certification to ensure that they are safe and effective in their role as therapy animals.

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