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45 Eight Ways Parents Can Support Their Young School Age Child’s Language Development 

Eight Ways Parents Can Support Their Young School Age Child’s Language Development 

By Speech Therapy Teacher

Here are some tips to help your elementary school child develop language skills:

Read aloud to your child: Reading aloud to your child can help develop their language and listening skills. Choose books that are appropriate for their age and interests, and make it a regular habit.

Encourage your child to ask questions: Encourage your child to ask questions about the world around them. This can help them develop their vocabulary and critical thinking skills.

Play word games: Play word games with your child, such as rhyming games, guessing games, and word association games. These can help develop their vocabulary and language skills in a fun way.

Have conversations: Have conversations with your child and encourage them to express their thoughts and ideas. This can help develop their communication skills and confidence in expressing themselves.

Use correct grammar and language: Use correct grammar and language when speaking with your child. This can help them develop their language skills and improve their own grammar and vocabulary.

Expose your child to different forms of media: Expose your child to different forms of media such as books, movies, TV shows, and podcasts. This can help develop their language skills and expose them to new ideas and perspectives.

Practice writing: Encourage your child to practice writing, whether it's by writing stories, journaling, or writing letters to family and friends. This can help develop their writing skills and improve their language and grammar skills.

Seek help if needed: If you notice that your child is struggling with language skills, don't hesitate to seek help from a professional, such as a speech therapist or language tutor. Early intervention can help prevent future problems and improve your child's language skills.


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