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63 Autism and Functional Language

Autism And Functional Language

By Speech Therapy Teacher

Autism is a developmental disorder that affects a person's ability to communicate and interact with others. One of the core characteristics of autism is difficulties with social communication and interaction, which can impact a person's ability to use language in a functional way.

Functional language refers to the use of language in a practical and effective manner to communicate with others and achieve specific goals. It includes the ability to use language to ask for information, make requests, express needs and desires, and engage in social conversation.

Many individuals with autism have challenges with functional language. For example, they may have difficulty initiating and maintaining conversations, using appropriate social language, understanding non-literal language, and interpreting social cues such as tone of voice and body language.

However, it is important to note that the degree and type of language difficulties experienced by individuals with autism can vary widely. Some individuals with autism may have no language delay or impairment, while others may have significant difficulties with functional language.

Early intervention, such as speech therapy and behavioral interventions, can help individuals with autism develop functional language skills and improve their communication abilities. Additionally, assistive communication technologies and visual supports can also be helpful tools for individuals with autism who struggle with functional language.

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