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66 When Do Children with Autism Develop Language?

When Do Children With Autism Develop Language?

By Speech Therapy Teacher

Children with autism may develop language at different rates and ages, and some may experience delays in language development. Generally, children with autism start to develop language around the same time as typically developing children, which is around 12 months of age. However, they may show different patterns of language development and may not reach typical language milestones at the same pace.

Some children with autism may develop language skills early but then experience a plateau or regression in their language development. Others may have delayed language skills and struggle with communication throughout their childhood. Some children with autism may never develop functional language and may require alternative forms of communication, such as sign language or assistive technology.

It's important to note that every child with autism is unique, and their language development will depend on a variety of factors, including the severity of their autism symptoms and the interventions and support they receive. Early intervention and therapy can be helpful in promoting language development in children with autism.

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