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67 Areas of Language Most Impacted for Children with Autism

Areas Of Language Most Impacted For Children With Autism

By Speech Therapy Teacher  

Autism can impact various aspects of language, but one of the most commonly observed difficulties is in the area of communication and social interaction. Children with autism often have difficulty with the social use of language, such as understanding and using nonverbal cues (e.g., facial expressions, tone of voice, body language) and using language to initiate and maintain social interactions.

They may also have difficulty with expressive language, such as using language to express their thoughts and feelings, using appropriate grammar and syntax, and developing a varied and appropriate vocabulary. Some individuals with autism may also struggle with receptive language, such as understanding the meaning of words and sentences, following directions, and comprehending complex language structures.

It's important to note that autism is a spectrum disorder, and individuals with autism can vary widely in their language abilities and challenges. Some individuals with autism may have exceptional language abilities, while others may be nonverbal or have significant difficulties with language.

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