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72 Autism - Speech Therapy and Parent Involvement 

Autism - Speech Therapy And Parent Involvement 

By Speech Therapy Teacher 

Parent involvement in speech therapy can play a critical role in the success of a child's treatment. Here are some ways that parents can get involved:

Attend therapy sessions: Parents can attend their child's speech therapy sessions to observe and learn techniques from the therapist. This will help parents understand the goals of therapy and how to reinforce those goals at home.

Communicate with the therapist: Parents should communicate regularly with the speech therapist to understand their child's progress and any changes in treatment goals. They can also share any concerns or observations from home that may help the therapist adjust the treatment plan.

Practice at home: The speech therapist will often give exercises or activities to practice at home. Parents should work with their child to practice these activities consistently, and provide feedback to the therapist about the child's progress.

Provide a supportive environment: Parents can help create a supportive environment for their child's speech therapy by using positive reinforcement and encouragement. They can also be patient and understanding as their child works through any challenges in therapy.

Overall, parents can play an active and supportive role in their child's speech therapy by attending sessions, communicating with the therapist, practicing at home, and providing a positive and supportive environment for their child.


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