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75 Collaboration Between Speech-therapists and Preschool Teachers

Collaboration Between Speech-therapists And Preschool Teachers

By Speech Therapy Teacher

Collaboration between a Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP) and a preschool teacher can be very beneficial for children's language development and academic success. Here are some tips on how to collaborate effectively:

Establish clear communication: It's important to establish clear communication between the SLP and preschool teacher. This can be done through regular meetings, emails, or phone calls. Both parties should share information about the child's progress and discuss any concerns or challenges.

Share goals and strategies: The SLP and preschool teacher should work together to establish shared goals and strategies for the child's language development. The SLP can provide the teacher with specific activities or strategies to use in the classroom that will reinforce the child's language goals.

Collaborate on lesson plans: The SLP and preschool teacher can work together to develop lesson plans that incorporate language goals into the curriculum. This can help ensure that the child is getting consistent language support throughout the day.

Provide feedback: Both the SLP and preschool teacher should provide feedback to each other on the child's progress. This can help identify areas that need additional support or adjustment in strategies.

Involve parents: It's important to involve parents in the collaboration process as well. The SLP and preschool teacher can work together to develop strategies and activities that can be used at home to reinforce language goals.

By working together, the SLP and preschool teacher can provide comprehensive language support for children and help them achieve academic success.

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