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88 Speech Therapy - Hands-on Activities 

Speech Therapy - Hands-on Activities 

By Speech Therapy Teacher

Yes, hands-on activities can be a very effective way for children to learn. This is because hands-on activities allow children to engage multiple senses, including touch, sight, and sometimes even taste or smell, which can help to reinforce concepts in a way that is more memorable and meaningful than simply reading or hearing about them.

Hands-on activities can also provide children with opportunities to explore and experiment with concepts in a safe and supportive environment. For example, children might use building blocks to learn about shapes and spatial reasoning, or conduct simple science experiments to learn about the properties of materials.

In addition, hands-on activities can help to promote a love of learning and curiosity in children. By engaging in activities that are interesting and fun, children may be more motivated to explore new concepts and ideas.

Overall, hands-on activities can be a valuable tool for educators and parents to help children learn and grow in a meaningful way.

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