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89 Build A Child's Narrative Through Sharing Artwork & Crafts

Build A Child's Narrative Through Sharing Artwork & Crafts

By Speech Therapy Teacher

Choose a craft or art project that you and the child can work on together. This could be something simple like finger painting or coloring, or something more complex like making a collage or sculpture.

As you work on the project together, encourage the child to describe what they are doing and what they are creating. Ask questions like, "What color is that?" or "What shape are you making?"

As the child creates their artwork, encourage them to think about a story or narrative that goes along with it. For example, if they are painting a picture of a tree, they could imagine a story about a bird that lives in the tree.

Once the artwork is complete, ask the child to tell you the story or narrative that they have created. Encourage them to use descriptive language and to add details to make the story more interesting.

You could also ask the child to write or dictate the story to you, and then read it back to them while they look at their artwork. This can help reinforce the connection between the artwork and the narrative.

By following these steps, you can help the child build their storytelling skills while also encouraging their creativity and imagination.

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