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97 Ball Poppers

Ball Poppers

By Speech Therapy Teacher 

Ball poppers can be a great tool for speech therapy, especially for children. Here are some ways that ball poppers can be used in speech therapy:

Articulation Practice: Have the child practice saying their speech sounds while they pop the balls. You can have them say the sound before they pop each ball or say a word that contains the sound after they pop each ball.

Language Practice: Use the ball popper to work on language skills such as following directions or describing objects. For example, you could have the child pop a ball and then describe what they see when the ball pops out.

Turn-Taking and Conversation Skills: Use the ball popper as a way to work on turn-taking and conversation skills. You could have the child ask a question before they pop the ball and then the other person has to answer the question before they can pop the ball.

Fluency Practice: Use the ball popper to work on fluency skills by having the child practice slow, easy speech while they pop the balls. You can gradually increase the speed and difficulty of the speech tasks as the child improves.

Overall, ball poppers can be a fun and engaging way to work on a variety of speech and language skills in therapy. However, it's important to remember that each child is unique and may have different needs, so it's important to tailor the therapy activities to their specific needs and goals.

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