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Ant Paper Plate Craft

Paper Plate Craft

This is an engaging hands on resource for students on the autism spectrum or with other receptive/expressive language delays.

Designed for a wide range of student communication needs:
   ● Non-verbal
   ● Limited verbal expressive language
   ● Receptive/Expressive language delays
   ● Articulation

VISUALS are a simple and powerful tool to add structure to your therapy sessions.
VISUALS help expand and build language skills, while increasing independence.
VISUAL representation of language concepts help students make those important connections that are critical for language growth. 

This craft activity comes with the picture exchange model of communication materials and with visuals compatible with Go Talk9 & Quicktalker F12. This activity provides visual support to supplement auditory comprehension as well as assist in expanding utterance length.

Animal craft pieces - color
Autism and Language Therapy Visual Supports
   ● 4 or 5 step visual directions with assorted pictures
       for picture exchange model of communication
   ● Visuals compatible with GoTalk9 & Quicktalker F12


Activity sold for private use only

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