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35 Can Children with Autism Use iPads For Speech?

Can Children With Autism Use iPads For Speech?

By Speech Therapy Teacher

Yes, iPads can be used as speech generating devices to help children with autism communicate effectively. The use of speech generating devices has been found to be particularly helpful for children with autism who struggle with communication and language development.

iPads and other tablets have become popular communication tools for children with autism because they are portable, customizable, and have a wide range of applications available. Speech generating apps can be downloaded onto an iPad, which then allows children to select words or phrases to communicate with others. Some of these apps also use pictures and symbols to help children communicate more effectively.

In addition to providing a means of communication, speech generating devices like iPads can also be used to teach language skills and improve social communication. Many apps include features that help children learn new vocabulary and grammar, and some even offer interactive games and activities to help with social skills development.

It's important to note that while iPads and other speech generating devices can be useful tools, they should not replace traditional speech therapy or other interventions. Speech therapy and other interventions are still crucial for helping children with autism develop language and communication skills, and should be used in conjunction with speech generating devices as part of a comprehensive treatment plan.

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