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42 Fundamental Skills for Effective Communication Skills 

Fundamental Skills For Effective Communication Skills 

By Speech Therapy Teacher 

Prerequisites play a crucial role in communication development. These are the fundamental skills that a child must develop before they can effectively learn and use language. Here are some of the key prerequisites for communication:

Attention: Children must be able to focus their attention on a person or object to effectively learn language. Attention allows children to absorb the information being presented to them.

Perception: Children must be able to perceive different sounds and distinguish them from one another. For example, they must be able to distinguish between the sounds of "m" and "n."

Memory: Children must be able to remember the sounds and meanings of words that they have been exposed to. Memory helps children to build a vocabulary of words that they can use when communicating with others.

Motor skills: Children must be able to control their vocal cords and mouth movements to produce speech. Motor skills are essential for speaking, as well as for developing reading and writing abilities.

Social interaction: Language is a social activity, and children must learn to interact with others to effectively learn language. Social interaction allows children to practice using language in meaningful contexts.

Without these prerequisites, children may struggle to learn and use language effectively.

Parents and caregivers can help to support these skills by providing opportunities for children to engage in activities that promote attention, perception, memory, motor skills, and social interaction.

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